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estonian mail order brides

We all live in an era of the overabundance of information and this fact complicates the task of finding brides online. It will take a lot of time to find and browse a certain number of women’s portfolios and meet Estonian women for marriage. Organizing online dating Estonian girls is a rather tedious task if you approach this issue haphazardly.

Therefore, we will try to greatly facilitate your task of finding Estonian women marriage online with the help of tips on the proper organization of online dating. We have been working in the field of monitoring international online dating for a long time and can rationally and objectively evaluate all the processes in this business.

So, here come a few facts that you need to know about Estonian mail order brides to properly organize a search for a future wife and find happiness in a marriage with a beautiful Estonian woman.

Best Estonian Dating Sites From Users Perspective

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Why do men want to marry Estonian women?

This is an interesting question and, in a nutshell, it cannot be answered. But we will try to succinctly describe the reasons why men like Estonian mail-order brides so much. No doubt, the special “Scandinavian” beauty of Estonian women comes first. We also consider the European worldview of Estonian girls to be an important factor in men’s preferences, which helps them quickly integrate into the Western social mentality. Finally, a huge advantage is the fact that Estonian mail order wives often speak several European languages.

A few interesting facts about Estonian mail order wives

Estonia has the smallest percentage of the male population in comparison with the female in Europe. Indeed, there are only 84 men per 100 women. This phenomenon creates a certain shortage of potential partners for marriage.

Estonian women love the national sport, the so-called “kiiking,” and have achieved significant success in it. For reference: kiiking, or standing up and doing roundabouts (kiik in Estonian means “swing”), a sport that emerged as an independent discipline in Estonia in 1996. Imagine that modern swing for a kiiking has a height of 3-8 meters. For safety, arms and legs are attached with special straps. An indicator of an athlete’s achievement is the height of the swing at which they have completed a 360-degree circular rotation. When discussing “kiiking” in correspondence with women in Estonia, you can easily start dating hot Estonian girl.

Married Estonian ladies actively participate in international competitions for carrying wives. This is a fun and entertaining competition for couples in which husbands compete in carrying their wives at a certain distance. Wives at this time hang upside down on the backs of their husbands. An incredible fact, but Estonian couples won the International Wife Carriage Championship 11 times in a row from 1998 to 2008.

Single Estonian girls aspiring to become brides

BlondeVanessa, 23
Tallinn, Estonia
Alina, 24
Estonia, Halinga
Jana, 32
Estonia, Tallinn
More profiles

What are the views of Estonian mail order brides on relationships, family, and marriage?

estonian mail order wife

Estonians still carefully preserve their folk traditions. Therefore, although Estonia is a modern European state, it still respects the patriarchal way of life. This means that Estonian girls for marriage are very sensitive to traditional family values. It is obvious that Estonian mail order brides approach a family very responsibly and seriously. Respect for the future husband, parents, and relatives is instilled from childhood in Estonian ladies. And for many of them, the creation of a family is the main goal in life. Also, education and career undoubtedly play an important role in the life of Estonian women, but the family always comes first.

Advantages and disadvantages of dating Estonian brides

Each person has a personal set of positive and negative qualities. Of course, absolutely perfect people do not exist. And this rule holds true even for beautiful Estonian girl. So, we logically reached the moment when it is necessary to draw conclusions and emphasize the strengths and weaknesses of mail order Estonian  brides for a fair assessment.

  • Scandinavian beauty
    The harsh nature of Estonia in an amazing way was able to create a unique example of female beauty that has long come into use as the “Scandinavian type.” Estonian girls fully possess all the attributes of this type. A gorgeous figure, luxurious blonde hair, blue eyes, and perfect skin are all the features of most Estonian mail-order brides.
  • Softness and self-esteem
    Estonian women marriage have inherent softness and modesty. They are well aware of the power of their beauty but never flaunt it. Self-esteem is always read in their beautiful eyes, but at the same time they never look down on others.
  • Friendliness and intelligence
    Friendliness is another characteristic of most Estonian brides. Be sure that when communicating with an unfamiliar Estonian, you will always see a friendly and smiling girl in front of you. Besides, you will find a lot of common topics for a conversation with her because Estonian women are famous for their broad outlook and intelligence. It is important to note that most Estonian mail order wives are fluent in English and often speak German or Italian.
  • Restraint
    Restraint in itself is not a negative trait of character. Still, for men who first meet Estonian women, it may seem a manifestation of coldness or even indifference. The fact is that marriage with Estonian women rarely take the initiative in dealing with men. Estonians prefer to give leadership in this matter to a man and watch how events develop in their own way.
  • Difficulties in learning Estonian
    If for some reason you want to communicate with an Estonian bride in her native language, then it will take some work. The Estonian language is considered one of the most difficult to learn for native English speakers. Therefore, you may have to restrict communication with the bride in English.

Why do men use mail order bride sites to meet Estonian girls?

As we have already noted, a huge amount of information offered online on the topic of mail order bride dating makes the task of dating Estonian ladies extremely time-consuming. With the help of specialized dating sites, you can save your money and time significantly. Judge for yourself – using such resources, you get access to a reliable extensive database with potential brides.

Databases on such sites are presented in a convenient form to use and contain comprehensive information about applicants for the role of the bride. You can see the appearance of the girl you like and read a short summary in which she will tell about herself. Also, you can immediately chat with the bride using a wide range of communication tools.

As you can see, the use of dating sites can not only significantly accelerate the buy Estonian mail order brides on the Internet, but also make it comfortable and of high quality.

Estonian brides: Сosts and prices

dating estonian girl

Our readers probably had several questions – for instance, what the prices Estonian women marriage are and how much you have to spend to buy Estonian mail order brides.

Naturally, a reasonable interest arises when you start using the mail order bride websites: how much are you likely to spend? Indeed, to ensure the operation of the site, the payment is required for hosting rent, payment for the services of a provider, and salary of personnel that ensures content filling and ensuring the security of the resource. All these costs together lead to the fact that the services of dating sites are paid. So let’s move on to the numbers – registration on almost all dating sites is free. Besides, some sites give their users bonus credit packages for registration. Credits are an on-site currency with which the user pays for services.

Traditionally, a system of providing standard credit packages from 20 to 750 credits per package has developed. The more wholesale, the cheaper the cost of one credit. For example, the cost of the largest package of 760 credits on different sites can vary from $215 to $250. And the cost of a minimum package of 20 credits ranges from 10 dollars to 12 dollars.

For clarity, you can give a few examples – a minute of video chat with a girl can cost you from 0.5 to 1.0 credit, sending a letter from 0.15 to 0.3 credit, etc.

Obviously, you have to pay for quality service and security, but the opportunity to find the love of your life is worth it. In fact, the prices dating Estonian ladies are not too high. Dating Estonian women online, you can easily avoid the huge costs of air travel and visa.

Why is our site better than others?

We hope that we were able to answer the most important questions that relate to the principles of mail order bride dating. There is only one question that we have put in the title of this section. Suppose you followed our advice and decided to meet Estonian woman using one of the online dating sites. We assure you that you will definitely encounter the problem of the right choice. The fact is that there are a large number of dating portals on the network, and many of them are not safe for you.

How to check if the site is safe for your personal data? Are financial transactions safe on the selected site? Are real female profiles presented on the site, or are they just system bots? It is we who will help you answer these questions. Our team constantly analyze the work of popular dating sites. We are conducting a study of user reviews. Our team conduct test registrations on new sites and study all aspects of the source from the perspective of a regular user. Our employees carry out painstaking work as a result of which we make ratings of dating sites. Based on ourfinal ratings on our website, you can make a rational and correct choice of a resource that you can trust.

estonian girl for marriage

How to date an Estonian mail order bride?

Even though ladies from this country are not anything special or different from other European women for online communication, there are still a few things that you need to know about them if you want to be successful. So, here are the top 5 tips that will help you have the best time with Estonian mail order brides!

Be punctual

Women from this country don’t like when men are late. They don’t like when anyone is late, so if you want to have a chance for a second date, you have to be always on time.

Be casual and informal

Although at first glance some may think that mail order brides from Estonia are standoffish and distant, they are just not very sociable with foreigners and strangers. Once you get to know them, you will find cheerful and joyful girls ready for anything. Therefore, you need to show that you are a guy who is ready for anything and can be fun!

Be interested and attentive

If you want to have a chance with an Estonian woman online, you’d better learn a few things about her country. The culture and history of Estonia is not that rich, so you won’t have to learn too much!

Be honest

One of the most common mistakes that a lot of guys make when dating a foreign girl online is lying about various aspects of their lives. It doesn’t mean that you need to share everything. You just don’t need to hide things that you don’t like. Honesty is one of the main qualities that most Estonian brides look for in foreign guys.


We sincerely hope that our article was able to help you in such important business as finding and getting to know an Estonian lady. We tried to give brief and useful tips for the successful implementation of your dreams because there is nothing more important in life than love.

Now, if there is something left on your mind, you may find your answers here, in our detailed FAQ section!

What kind of men do Estonian brides seek?

Estonian girls for marriage and online communication are looking for serious men who can take responsibility for family-oriented relationships.

How expensive is dating a woman from this country?

It is not expensive. You can start looking for a girl from Estonia for as low as $10-30 per month! If you are using a dating platform where you need to purchase credits to talk to ladies, the price will be slightly higher—around $50 per month.

Of course. Girls are not forced to do anything they don’t like. Looking for an online bride in Estonia is a legal procedure.

How long can it take to find a date from Estonia?

Everything depends on you. Registration, browsing, searching, and communication on dating sites with Estonian brides are not complicated or lengthy. You can find a girl in just a few minutes. Building strong relationships is a completely different story, though!

Mark Manson
Lead Author
Mark Manson is a renowned dating coach who has helped thousands of individuals around the world improve their dating lives. His approach to coaching is unique, in that he focuses on the individual rather than on specific techniques or formulas.
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