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“Am I attractive to women?” quiz

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How would you describe your confidence level when interacting with women?

How often do women compliment you on your appearance or personality?

How often do you catch women glancing or smiling at you in social situations?

When you approach women, how do they generally respond?

How often do women initiate conversations or contact with you?

How would you rate your sense of humor, and do women find you funny?

Do you feel comfortable expressing your emotions and vulnerability to women?

How would you describe your overall appearance and grooming habits?

Have you had past experiences where women have expressed romantic interest in you?

How do you feel about your overall attractiveness to women?

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1/10 Questions

Are you curious about how you are perceived by women and whether you possess qualities that appeal to them? This intriguing quiz is designed to help you gain insights into your attractiveness from a female perspective.

Attractiveness is not solely about physical appearance; it encompasses confidence, personality, and other unique traits that make you stand out. Whether you’re seeking to understand your current desirability or looking to enhance your appeal, this quiz will provide valuable self-awareness. Let’s get started!

Questions overview

1: How would you describe your confidence level when interacting with women?

a) Very confident, I feel at ease and self-assured

b) Moderately confident, I have my moments of self-assurance

c) Not very confident, I often feel unsure and nervous

d) I lack confidence, and it affects my interactions with women

2: How often do women compliment you on your appearance or personality?

a) Frequently, I receive compliments from women

b) Occasionally, I receive some compliments

c) Rarely, I hardly receive any compliments

d) I don’t recall receiving compliments from women

3: How often do you catch women glancing or smiling at you in social situations?

a) Frequently, I notice women showing interest in me

b) Occasionally, it happens now and then

c) Rarely, I rarely notice any such gestures

d) I haven’t really paid attention to this.

4: When you approach women, how do they generally respond?

a) Positively, they seem open and receptive

b) Mixed reactions, some are receptive, others not so much

c) Negatively, I often get rejected or receive cold responses

d) I rarely approach women, so I’m not sure

5: How often do women initiate conversations or contact with you?

a) Often, women frequently initiate conversations with me

b) Sometimes, it happens occasionally

c) Rarely, women rarely initiate contact with me

d) Never, women have never initiated contact with me

6: How would you rate your sense of humor, and do women find you funny?

a) I have a great sense of humor, and women often find me funny

b) My sense of humor is decent, and some women find me funny

c) I don’t think I’m particularly funny, and it rarely makes an impact on women

d) I’m not sure if my sense of humor appeals to women

7: Do you feel comfortable expressing your emotions and vulnerability to women?

a) Yes, I’m comfortable being open and vulnerable with women

b) Somewhat, I’m cautious but willing to share at times

c) Not really, I find it challenging to be emotionally open

d) I’m not sure; I haven’t been in such situations

8: How would you describe your overall appearance and grooming habits?

a) Impeccable, I take great care of my appearance and grooming

b) Decent, I put effort into my appearance but not excessively

c) Casual, I don’t pay much attention to my appearance

d) Neglected, I rarely care about my appearance and grooming

9: Have you had past experiences where women have expressed romantic interest in you?

a) Yes, multiple women have expressed interest in me

b) A few women have shown interest in the past

c) Rarely, only one or two women have shown interest

d) No, women haven’t expressed romantic interest in me

10: How do you feel about your overall attractiveness to women?

a) Very attractive, I believe women find me appealing

b) Moderately attractive, I think some women may find me attractive

c) Average, I don’t think I stand out in terms of attractiveness

d) Unattractive, I feel like women don’t find me appealing

Mark Manson
Lead Author
Mark Manson is a renowned dating coach who has helped thousands of individuals around the world improve their dating lives. His approach to coaching is unique, in that he focuses on the individual rather than on specific techniques or formulas.
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