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What is a Russian mail order bride?

Russian mail order brides are women who seek marriage online – it is pretty simple and straightforward. To buy a Russian mail order bride, one has to use an online dating service – a place where people can communicate and meet each other.

Usually, the majority of Russian brides are young girls who know English and who want to find a better place with a man who can appreciate their beauty, intellect, and talents.

In this guide, you can find out what makes brides from Russia so appealing and demanded as well as learn how to have excellent dates with them!

Best Russian Dating Sites From Users Perspective

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Benefits and disadvantages of marrying Russian women

One may agree that to learn something about a certain concept, one should view it from different perspectives. We could easily glorify Russian mail order wives and tell you how gorgeous they are. We could easily avoid talking about the difficulties and some other challenges that one may face while dating Russian women. However, we want to show you the real situation and tell you everything as it is.

  • Sexy Russian brides are smart.
  • Finding a Russian woman to spend the rest of your life with requires understanding that she should be an interesting interlocutor. Education in Russia is decent, which is why a lot of young girls enjoy reading from an early age, and you won’t be bored with your Russian lady. 
  • Russian mail order wives are hardworking and passionate.
  • Russian brides are hardworking and know how to do everything perfectly. Women from this country will do anything with passion, dedication, and perseverance.
  • Russian ladies are both easy-going and sophisticated.
  • You can have a wonderful time with your Russian bride by just hanging at home or spending some time partying out. Russian brides know how to be serious as well as how to relax and hang out casually.
  • Russian brides are too aware of how beautiful they are.
  • Sometimes, incredibly attractive women can be well aware of how beautiful they are. Thus, Russian females may be too picky with the men they choose.

Single Russian girls longing for matrimony

Irina, 21
Moscow, Russia
Olga, 35
Moscow, Russia
Daria, 22
Moscow, Russia
More profiles

Are Russian mail order brides real and legit? Where to find them?

In general, seeking Russian brides is legal and legit if you are using the right international online dating platforma and mail order bride sites. There are plenty of places that can help you meet and marry a girl from this country. Tools to communicate with Russian ladies are pretty much standard and simple – you have emails, instant messaging chat, and video and audio communication.

russian brides

Some guys think that seeking a Russian bride is illegal, but it is just because they don’t understand what a mail order brides service is. A Russian mail order bride is a woman who decides to seek for a foreign husband because she wants that. No one forces here to do so, and most legit online dating sites have real Russian brides looking for true love and happiness. Here is a list of these sites!

Best Russian dating sitesSofiaDate
100% Legitimate Russian bride sitesSofiaDate
Most popular Russian dating sitesSofiaDate

Do Russian brides really work?

Yes, searching for Russian mail order brides is easy and fun, and looking for a hot Russian bride online is an effective way that won’t cost you too much time or money. The simplicity of seeking a Russian bride can be explained by the fact that there are hundreds of dating sites with Russian ladies that can offer you excellent quality of communication with foreign brides for a fair price.

How to buy a Russian mail order bride

Follow these 3 steps and you are sure to be successful!

Choose a reliable website
Hopefully, there is a wide diversity of dating sites where you can meet gorgeous Russian brides. Look for articles, reviews, and feedback to find a place you like.
Create an account
Ensure that your profile contains a lot of information and is creative. The more your Russian bride knows about you, the simpler and more effective your communication will be.
Communicate with a bride
Search for a Russian woman who meets your needs and try to build a relationship with her. You can manually browse through thousands of hot Russian women looking marriage or use searching and matchmaking tools. Spending money on a foreign bride is the process of buying a mail order bride!
russian mail order bride

Once you meet Russian women who look promising, start chatting with them. The rest is up to you – some guys managed to find great foreign brides in a few days and marry them afterwards!

How much does a Russian mail order bride cost?

Buying a wife online is not an expensive process, even though a lot of people tend to believe that it is. If you wish to have a proper online dating experience with Russian mail order brides, you will have to use a dating site that has fee-based options. It is important to find a dating service that has premium options, as free sites are usually fraudulent. Now, let’s talk about how much you can spend on an international dating site! But first, it’s worth mentioning what kind of sites there are.

Credit-based sites

These are very popular mail order brides sites for meeting Russian brides online nowadays. The way they work is very simple. You, as a paying customer, purchase credits. These credits can be used on websites to use tools and features. Every option or tool costs a certain amount. For example, 1 minute of chatting can cost 1 credit. 10 credits are sold for $4.99, 50 credits cost $9.99, and so on and so forth. So, as you can see, the overall cost depends solely on the customer’s needs and budget. You can spend $20 per month or $300.

Membership-based sites

It is easier with these sites since they usually have fixed prices. For instance, a month of online dating communication with a potential Russian wife can cost $15. And you don’t need to pay for anything above that since everything is included in your subscription. Mail order bride sites with young women from Russia that implement memberships are rather popular, although they are not as numerous as one may desire. Also, you basically pay for access to every option, even though some of them may not be required.

There are plenty of things that make Russian women for marriage popular and appealing. It is quite useful to figure out what is so attractive about Russian females apart from the fact that they are stunningly beautiful and brilliant! So, let’s find out together:

Russian women for dating are family-oriented

This is the driving force behind millions of guys who use online dating. The need to find a Russian woman who is ready and eager to start a family is quite common. Nowadays, plenty of young girls want to pursue careers and education before starting a family. However, there are a lot of Russian brides who want to become mothers and housewives, which is why they are so demanded.

Russian mail order wives are friendly and communicative

Regardless of the fact that some Russian girls may not have the perfect English, Russian mail order brides are eager to get in touch with foreign guys. You will find your online communication with Russian wives incredibly comfortable, enjoyable, and interesting.

A Russian mail order bride is kind and honest

Slavic women from Russia have big hearts and kind attitude. You will enjoy having relationships with Russian girls because you will be covered in love, happiness, and care. Mail order Russian brides respect honesty and will demand it from you – any disrespectful or dishonest act will not be tolerated!

Russian women are traditional and feminine

This country has been Westernized since the 1990s, so Russian people have changed a lot since the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, some things never change — or at least, some things take much more time to change than others. What we are talking about? Conservative gender policies. Most Russian people adhere to traditional, strict gender roles… And while it sounds a little outdated for the United States, it’s still not that bad.

Russian women are expected to dress well, to take care of their children, themselves, and their husbands, etc, etc. Russian men, in turn, are expected to provide for the family and protect it. Simple as that, right?

Russian girls are motivated by love, almost each of them wants to take care of their family, in short, be the heart of the family — we don’t want to say that they can’t work or earn good money, because it would be untrue.

They can contribute to the family income, of course, but that’s not their strongest side. They don’t see anything wrong with being dependant on their men, and, to be fair, we can’t say that such a system doesn’t have a right to exist. If you’re ok with the traditional gender roles and family values, you just have to think about dating Russian mail brides.

They want to please their men, so you will never feel a lack of love when you’re married to a lady from Russia. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

Russian women are beautiful, of course

Did you think we’d forgotten about it? It’s probably the first thing that comes to mind when one thinks of Russian ladies, so we just couldn’t ignore it. Yes, beauty isn’t the top priority for most men… But yes, these ladies are incredibly beautiful. Like, almost all of them.

What’s the secret? We don’t know for sure, but we believe that it’s all about three things: genetics, sense of style, and fantastic makeup skills.

Women from Tatarstan (east-central part of Russia), Sakha (arctic part), and European Russia are very different, but they have one thing in common: they all are really hot. It’s all about the ethnic diversity of this country — Russia has more than 180 ethnic groups, so the beauty of these women is a result of the genetic mixing of the Russian population. Perfect faces, slim and athletic bodies — we don’t want it to sound like ads, but Russian brides for sale are really awesome.

And it’s also about their sense of style and makeup skills. There’s another common stereotype about Russian women brides — some people say that they just don’t leave their homes without makeup. It’s true, btw — these foreign women want to look gorgeous 24/7, and, to be honest, they are quite good at it. They often have that “natural” kind of makeup when you don’t even see it (you just see that somehow your woman looks better than any other woman in the room), and they also always look stylish, even if they can’t afford to spend a lot of money on brand new clothing.

Russian ladies have high standards

One can say that it’s not that good when a Russian mail bride has high standards. Some men are naturally scared of such women — but we believe that you are not one of these men. Russian women are strong, emotionally-balanced, so it’s quite logical that they want their men to protect and move mountains for them, too. Are you ready for that?

But don’t worry because it’s not about material stuff, actually — it’s much more about showing your love and affection, not about buying expensive things.

“Family” is more than just a word for Russian mail order brides

We’ve already said this, but we are sure that it’s important to emphasize it — family is the top priority for Russian women. If you want to find an amazing Russian wife who’ll care, help, and do everything for her family, you just can’t miss a chance. Russian people are focused on family (it’s one of the cores of Russian culture and society), and that’s what we often see in conservative countries. Slavic mail order brides care and support their husbands, as we’ve said, and they really love their kids — so we believe it’s one of those features that makes them perfect wives. We are also sure that it’s the most important one, actually.

Ladies from Russia are direct!

If you are looking for a shy girl, you’ve come to the wrong place, sorry! Russian women are everything but shy. If they feel like there is a problem, they don’t try to wrap it in sweet words — they always go direct, talk about it, and solve it. Your Russian wife will not beat around the bush if things aren’t going well, and you’ll have to get used to it. Such directness might look strange (especially if you’ve never met a Russian woman before), but then, you’ll love it. They have a problem, they talk about it directly, they solve it — and we believe that this is one of the key components that make a perfect relationship with your spouse.

Girls from Russia are smart and also well-educated

Most of them attended universities, lots of them know English well, and some of them can even earn good money in the United States right after you move in together. Having a Russian wife is not similar to having a wife from one of those third-world countries. You’ll most likely be very intellectually compatible.

russian wife

Can you really order a Russian bride?

So, firstly, let’s take a look at Russian mail order brides and figure out who they are. Hot Russian brides are foreign women who want to find a husband online. They use a dating site and become a Russian mail order wife because they want to do that. They are not forced to become mail order Russian brides online. Buying a Russian woman means that you spend money on communication with a Russian bride with a chance to find a real Russian wife. And you can marry her only if a Russian lady likes you back. So, you can really order a Russian bride by using international dating sites, but there is nothing illegal, immoral, or unethical about that.

How to have a wonderful date with Russian women looking for marriage?

Dating a Russian mail order bride is not difficult or different from dating a woman from some other country. In this section, we are going to share with you a few tips on how to have a great date with a Russian girl!

Be honest

As we have mentioned just now, Russian women looking for marriage and serious relationship value and respect honesty. Do not try to lie to your future bride as she will figure it out eventually. Even if your life is not full of mind-blowing events, do not try to sound overdramatic. Tell everything as it is – do not makeup stories to impress your Russian lady.

Be romantic

It is highly important to demonstrate your Russian bride that you know how to be a romantic guy. Send flowers and presents and be active in winning your potential wife over. Compliments play a significant role in the process of dating – make sure that your Russian bride receives at least a dozen compliment every single day.

Be attentive

Very often, a Russian woman can share with you something meaningful and important. And a few days later, she might ask you about that thing that she shared with you. Of course, it would not be a test to see whether you were listening or not.

But your Russian bride would realize that you maybe not too much into her since you forget things that are important for her. Be sure to listen carefully and remember everything that your bride says.

Moreover, ask her as many questions, and in particular, wonder about her family and parents. Showing interest in the bride’s parents and family can help you win your bride over!

How long can it take to meet a beautiful Russian wife?

Usually, the whole process of meeting a wonderful mail order bride from Russia can take a few months. Of course, everything depends on your tastes and needs. You may want to find a Russian woman of incredible beauty and unique features, which would require you to spend more time than you expect. Sometimes, guys could be too picky and ignore a wide diversity of ladies who want to communicate with them.

Nevertheless, you can be sure that online dating is faster and more effective compared with in-person dating. There were cases when men managed to find and marry women of their dreams after spending only a few days searching for the bride. You never know until you try!

How much is a Russian bride in general?

So, seeking Russian mail order brides is legal and rather easy, but it is not free. If you have serious intentions to find Russian women, you need to use online dating services, and they are not free. Usually, mail order bride services cost around $100 per month, depending on the dating site you choose. Goals and preferences of your Russian bride can also define the cost of communication, as some Russian brides can desire more from a foreign guy. Let’s take a look at some major expenses of seeking Russian mail order brides!

  • Online dating services: around $100 per month should be enough
  • Flight to Russia: $1,000-$2,000
  • 2-week stay with a Russian bride: $1,000
  • Transportation: $50 per day
  • Food and entertainment: $200 per day
  • Documents and visa: around $2,000
  • Wedding: $5,000

How much does it cost to marry a Russian bride?

Russian brides cost is not very high, which is why these Eastern European women are so popular. A wedding with a Russian bride can cost anything between $2,000 and $20,000, it all depends on how much you can splurge and what your bride’s demands are. Real Russian brides love expensive weddings, but you will decide on how much you are willing to spend. While using a dating site won’t cost you that much, real-life communication with your Russian mail order brides will be expensive. You can expect to spend around $5,000 for a 2-week stay with your Russian girl. To get your Russian bride to the US, you will have to spend another $5,000, excluding the wedding, of course.

How to impress a Russian girl online?

What should you do to make your profile look great and to stand out from the crowd? Here are a few tips that will help you!

Upload the best photos you have

The rules are simple — your photos should look professional and you must be the only person in these photos. It would also be great if you included a full-body photo — according to the surveys, a full-body photo increases the chances to get more messages from Russian girls.

Point is, when it comes to online dating, selfies are not the thing that always works. 1 selfie is enough, your dating profile must be more serious than your Insta snaps. And of course, not uploading a photo is not an option — despite you can skip this step on most mail order bride websites, the profiles with zero photos usually get zero messages from women.

Don’t write an essay… But be brief and creative

We’ve seen lots of very, VERY long profile descriptions on the mail order bride websites. Because they want to tell the ladies more about themselves, it’s obvious. On the other hand, you shouldn’t also limit yourself to 10–20 words, like some men at Tinder do. Keep the balance — write a content-rich bio/profile description, but remember: you don’t have to use all the space you have!

Be specific about what you’re looking for

To attract a direct woman, you’ll have to be direct, too — so if you’re looking for something specific, don’t forget to write about it. On the other hand, such disclaimers as “I don’t want to hook up, so don’t message me if you’re looking for a one-night stand” can (and most likely will) look excessively categorical. If you don’t want some women to message you, you can say it without saying it — put an emphasis on what you’re looking for, not on what you are not looking for.

Avoid cheesy lines and cliches

As for the cliches in a description, it’s very simple: if you use them, it’s just impossible to see the real you behind these standard paragraphs, and your goal is to stand out from the crowd, not to be like everyone else. Before sending the very first message, check her profile, find something that both of you know/enjoy/etc and try to do your best. Good luck!

How to impress a Russian bride on your first date?

  • Look like a gentleman. Russians believe that looks are very important. They even have some proverbs (“good clothes open all doors”). It doesn’t mean that it’s ONLY about your looks, of course. It means that to impress a Russian bride, you’ll have to dress properly. We can’t provide you any specific advice because it always depends on the place you are going to invite her too, on the woman and her age/preferences/social status, etc. 
  • Act like a gentleman. That’s what they think about Americans, and that’s how they call the guys from the United States — “gentlemen”. The good news is that there are a number of requirements you’ll have to meet to be a gentleman in her eyes. Open the doors, pull out the chair, stand up when meeting her — it’s very simple, but it will help you score a lot of brownie points.
  • Respect her family. In Russia, the family is the most important thing for everyone. If you show respect to her parents, you are a great guy, that’s how it works.
  • You don’t need to impress her. Yes, we know we’ve used the word “impress” in a title, but it’s really not about trying to impress her; it’s about impressing her by actions. You act like a gentleman, you pay for the bill, you keep the conversation flow — congratulations, you’ve already impressed her.

Russian and Ukrainian brides

Rates of success65%85%
Best qualitiesAppearanceBeauty, skills, honesty
Looking forAny foreigner who would marry themStrong, confident, and kind man

Safety of online dating websites: How secure is such communication?

Lastly, we would like to mention a few things about security and online dating. It is an incredibly acute and important subject since online dating requires you to provide a lot of personal information and credit card data. The safety of online dating begins with the selection of a proper website – this is the major factor that can define the success of your online dating experience. Take your time and research as many dating platforms as possible. Take a look at what other people may say about your choice. Never be too quick to judge and use the first website you see.

Unfortunately, online dating is associated with fraud and scam activity. There are too many platforms where you can be scammed. However, it is quite simple to find out whether a site can be trusted or not. If you see that there is no feedback and reviews about the website, then you better avoid it! Also, do not spend a lot of money on a website that you know nothing about. You can spend a few dollars to test everything out, and if things go as you want, you can start using the site more seriously.


Russian mail order brides are wonderful ladies, and a guy who finds a Russian wife will be the luckiest man on the planet. And it is not that difficult to find Russian ladies online, as there are dozens of mail order bride services that can offer you great quality of communication with Russian brides. These Slavic women are beautiful, smart, and interesting, so you can be sure that you will never get bored with Russian brides!


In case you desire additional information, this FAQ section will help you tremendously!

Do Russian mail order brides make good wives?

Yes! Russian single women are family-oriented and communicative. You won’t find it difficult to chat with a Russian lady. Russian wives have all the right values and goals.

How many Russian girls can you expect to find on mail order bride sites?

So, international dating is rather popular in Russia, and there are thousands of beautiful and real Russian mail order wives online. So, decent online dating sites with Slavic brides will offer you at least 300–500 women from this country.

What kind of men do Russian brides seek?

Most of the time, these ladies look for guys who are confident, strong, and wealthy. However, these factors are not fundamental.

How to avoid getting scammed while dating a Russian mail order bride?

Never send money directly to your potential Russian wife. Usually, sites forbid girls to ask Western men for money, so if you see your date doing so, either she is fake and it is the site that asks you for money, or she just wants to scam you.

Mark Manson
Lead Author
Mark Manson is a renowned dating coach who has helped thousands of individuals around the world improve their dating lives. His approach to coaching is unique, in that he focuses on the individual rather than on specific techniques or formulas.
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