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Dating a Japanese Woman—Essential Tips to Find Japanese Wife Online

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Any interactions with other cultures always bring something new to the perception of the world. Especially if you decide to date a woman from the country with a different culture. Japanese culture is really fascinating and multifaceted. The main reason for it is the combination of following the deepest of traditions dating back thousands of years and rapid flux of continually shifting fads and technological development.

At the same time, while she will a big riddle for you, be sure, a lot of Japanese women don’t understand Western men too. What is the solution? It’s definitely trying to get closer to her culture, get beneath the surface, and understand what is the key point to get the heart of a Japanese lady. In the next paragraphs, we will discuss all possible ways that will allow you to get along with ladies from this Asian country.

How to find your Japanese date at a distance?

So, you decided to date a Japanese girl, but where can you meet her? If you often travel to the country of your potential desired girlfriend, you definitely have high chances actually to find her there. But does it work in the same way for such a country like Japan? You can walk in the streets trying to come across as many beautiful Japanese women as possible, but will you get any results? Probably, a random meeting is not such a good strategy in this country.

The point is that locals are not used to strangers from the streets eager to get to know them better. They are more discreet and may react negatively to such expressions of your interest.

Thus, it’s the perfect moment when you can discover online dating for you. It’s quite a reliable way not only to find Japanese mail order wives but also to know their intentions, get along, and only then to plan a real meeting.

The list of best dating sites with Japanese girls

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How to court a Japanese woman?

When you are online, the rules of dating may not only depend on cultural particularities but also on the rules of the proper Internet behavior. It includes a bunch of things you need to follow. We gathered the main recommendations to help you build your relationship on distance.

Don’t ignore your Japanese girl

dating japanese girl

You met here. You are communicating, and everything seems to be serious. You share some interests and plans. Even if your only possibility to hang out is texting, you feel like you can overcome everything and finally to be together after it all. At this point, when it seems that you won her heart, don’t even think about neglecting it. Yes, distance can poison love and the only solution is to put all effort to avoid it. Once you decide that you can ignore her message for some hours and even days, everything can start to fall apart. That’s why it’s essential to work on relationships and show your feelings no matter you chat or have a real date.

Be attentive to interests of Japanese woman

When getting to know each other, let any Japanese women understand that you are interested in her like a real personality but not in the stereotypical image from the anime. These women are real and have flaws like any other human being. Expecting from them something unreal that is depicted in cartoons will make them feel desperate and not willing to get in touch with you. Besides, no Japanese girl will like a man who has a distinguishable yellow fever and wants date her just because she is Asian.

How to date a Japanese woman online?

There is nothing extraordinary that you need to do to date a woman from Japan online. Online dating is vastly popular among young Japanese girls, so you will find it very simple and accessible. Just remember—if you set up a date, be there. Don’t stand your date up—she can take it as a personal insult. Be open and honest when expressing yourself. Don’t lie on your profile page and don’t invent a new persona to impress a Japanese mail order bride. Be yourself and you will find it the most effective approach to online dating.

How to get a Japanese woman to love you?

Not only to find a Japanese girl but also to keep your relationship prosperous, you will need to follow some recommendations. Ladies from Japan can differ so much from Western brides, so you need to be aware of all the cultural and dating gaps.

Clarify your intentions at the very first date

The dating traditions in Japan take roots from the old times, and they are still quite conservative.

The female-male friendship is not so common and recognized. Thus, it’s important to sort out your kind of relationships before going too far.

Going out and meeting automatically means something romantic for a lady from Japan. She will expect from you a serious approach and a kind of confession. If the last one does not happen, she can simply think that you don’t like her or you are not interested in the continuation of your relationship. For this reason, if your goal is to make friends with Japanese, explain it at the beginning of your communication.

Learn each other’s languages

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If you decide to find a Japanese girl and date her, take into consideration that a lot of ladies simply don’t speak English or any other languages apart from Japanese. In this case, if you don’t speak her language, it may not be effortless to keep the conversation roll along, and translations apps will go out of the window after the first 5 minutes. Of course, when you contact mail order bride agencies to organize your Romance Tour, they will provide the translator for your dates. It will work during the first dates, but not later. It’s better to accelerate the processes of learning of each one by helping to get into the thinnest insights of the languages, genuinely encouraging and supporting your soulmate.

Act like a real man

If you really want to impress a Japanese girl, don’t wimp out on her. You can share something that does not please you, and she will understand it. But don’t turn it into a constant habit. Don’t complain about your ex-girlfriend, work, life, etc. Don’t behave like a doormat who doesn’t have its proper thoughts. Instead, be a gentleman, who is confident, not timid, and ready to face the music you caused. It doesn’t mean that you need to become an aggressive alpha male or treat other people poorly. No way! But be the one with whom she will feel confident and secure.

Praise and compliment a Japanese lady

In Japanese culture, the expressions of everything you feel are not so common. Neither is complimenting women. Even those you are crazy about. It doesn’t mean you need to laud her to the skies or say something you don’t agree with. It won’t get you any points.

On the contrary, Japanese women have a great feeling and may know when you don’t tell the truth. Instead, be genuine, start your messages with sweet words. A lot of women consider that only foreigners can naturally do what makes them so charming and attractive in relationships.

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Be financially stable

Not all Japanese brides will judge you on your financial position, but most of them will choose a person for a serious relationship based on this aspect.

Japan, being a highly developed country, offers its citizenship an excellent living rate. Most ladies are dressed to the nines and care how they look like, what they eat and how they spend their time. And of course, they want to feel the stability and security when they are with you. If you can’t afford a nice living for you both, younger ladies will probably not care, but for more mature women, your job position and income could be significant deterrents.

Dating Japanese women—what not to do

Very often, guys who seek foreign mail order brides know a few things about online relationships and what they should do to be successful. However, a lot of men don’t know the peculiarities of communicating with a foreign woman online, which is why they make a lot of mistakes that can ruin your chances for success. If you don’t want to lose your Japanese date, check out this section and learn how to date a Japanese woman without problems!

  • Don’t be disrespectful toward her culture. Japanese people are extremely proud and patriotic. And although women may be less vocal about their love for their country, you should never show any disrespect toward Japan if you want to be successful while dating Japanese women online.
  • Don’t be too pushy. Japanese girls are universally shy and humble. They usually believe that men should be in charge of the relationships and development of loving communication. However, a lot of guys make the same mistake—they push too hard and force Japanese women to do things they don’t want to. Give your girlfriend some time. Let her start trusting you, and you will see when she is ready for some serious relationships.
  • Don’t forget about her family. If you want to be successful and be with the best Japanese women date, you need to learn at least some information about your date’s family. Don’t forget that family is fundamental for Japanese mail order brides.
  • Don’t be too masculine. Overconfidence and aggression are not a part of Japanese dating culture. If you want to impress your lady, being slightly arrogant won’t do the trick.

How to apologize to a Japanese woman?

Did you have a big quarrel and you don’t know how to excuse? Bring her breakfast to the bed, say something nice and sincere at the same time looking for a compromise and trying to discuss the reason of your clashes. You can also find something she always dreamt about and present it to her. Or send her flowers. She will be so surprised that she will leave all the bad in the past.

Conclusion: how to date a Japanese woman

date japanese woman

If a relationship with a lady from the Land of Cherry Blossoms is your dream, go for it, but be prepared. How to date a Japanese mail order bride? First, don’t forget about the general rules of politeness and good behavior. She will always pay attention to what you say and how you act no matter you communicate online or meet in real life. Not being Japanese makes you a charming man of mirthful mystery. So, make it work for you, but do not forget that to win the heart of the desired Japanese girl, you will need to dig into her culture, society rules, dating traditions, and even language. Yes, it will cost you some effort, but the game will definitely worth the candle.

Mark Manson
Lead Author
Mark Manson is a renowned dating coach who has helped thousands of individuals around the world improve their dating lives. His approach to coaching is unique, in that he focuses on the individual rather than on specific techniques or formulas.
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